I am Lukas Zack and this is where I showcase my projects.

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Computer Engineering student studying @ the university of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, currently in search for internships and/or COOP opportunities to learn and grow.

1. Mars Temperature

Created a web-based application that simulates planet Mars and calculates the temperature in a given date using astrophysics formulas and calculations.

Code: https://github.com/LukasZack/Project-Mars-Weather

2. Image Recognition AI

Developed an Image Recognition AI model proficient in classifying images depicting various subjects such as monkeys, cats, or fish, accurately categorizing them into their respective classes.

Code: https://github.com/LukasZack/Image-Recognition-AI

3. Vacuum Agent Algorithms

Designed an agent-environment system where the agent functions as a vacuum cleaner navigating within a 2D array environment representing a floor. Implemented various algorithms to enable the agent to effectively clean dust particles from the environment while exploring different cleaning strategies.

Code: https://github.com/LukasZack/Vacuum-Agent-Algorithms

1. DV1
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Created a quadcopter drone capable of flying using arduino and electronic parts. Future updates will include a vision AI installation to detect and avoid obstacles.